Will Smidlein's Blog

Posts tagged "harper-reed"

Harper Reed's LLM codegen workflow

For some reason I say “over my skies” a lot when talking about LLMs. I don’t know why. It resonates with me. Maybe it’s because it is beautiful smooth powder skiing, and then all of a sudden you are like “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!” and are completely lost and suddenly fall off a cliff.

I find that using a planning step […] can help keep things under control. At least you will have a doc you can double-check against. I also do believe that testing is helpful - especially if you are doing wild style aider coding. Helps keep things good, and tight.

Broad strokes this is very similar to my workflow but there lots of nuggets of wisdom in this post. He also goes into a lot of interesting detail about using LLMs in non-Greenfield projects. Just a great read all around.

First time hearing about Aider and repomix, excited to try them out.